Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Uniqueness = Conforming to be different

 I don't even know what a unique thought is anymore. Everything I see that's "art" or "philosophy" (which more often turns out to be more like bumper-sticker philosophy) usually ends up being a regurgitation of something someone has heard somewhere else, and, has impacted them in such a way that they feel the need to repeat it, or rephrase it, to re-impart it's message. I fear that each unique thing I see was once just some sarcastic joke someone told their friends which was taken way too seriously for it's own good. I feel that our government, our language (lol capitalization and structure), our clothing, our TV shows and movies are all rehashed bar conversations made to be something suitable for mass consumption by an army of scientists asking control groups stupid questions, over and over, until they find something that a group of 20 or so random jackass fat Americans find capable of jamming down their throat for prolonged periods of time. UNIQUE!?!?  WHAT IS UNIQUE NOW?!?!?


  1. This is great! I'll definitely be following.

  2. Interesting post. You have some valid points.

  3. everybody is unique by nature without even having to try to!

  4. there are not much things that are unique.. but some people try to create it, and only few actually succeed :D

  5. where do you think american culture got its start?

  6. yeah i dont think much has been unique for awhile now. Statistically speaking everythings bound to have been thought up like once or something.

  7. same way i feel. nothing is really unique anymore. If you don't conform to the mainstream you are just conforming to a minority, where you are all alike.

  8. i agree with unlogic, only few do suceed, and when they do its big

  9. I agree. No one is unique. People who claim to be unique are, as you said, conforming to be not unique.

  10. there are always abnormalities, its just statistically rare.

  11. fullowin 'n' suppin :)


  12. you are totally right. nowadays you are even mainstream, if you are anti mainstream!

  13. Very well said indeed, I agree completely

  14. gonna have to say you went full retard with that post

  15. i guess this is one of those late night posts...

  16. Nicely said, will check back daily

  17. great post, thank you for sharing

  18. Kewl story, bro! waiting for updates from you
